
You’d have to have a heart of stone to read this story and not laugh out loud.

[Update mid morning]

Sympathy from Mark Steyn:

Poor Mr Ismail. If he’d burned an al-Qaeda flag, it is said to have a sweet perfume with a mildly narcotic quality. Now is the time for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to demonstrate our sensitivity by having the LA County sheriffs arrest some flag manufacturers.

Actually, it was probably made in China. Why do they hate Muslims sooooooo much?

8 thoughts on “Karma”

  1. I was just wondering the other day how many Muslims have suffered second-degree or worse burns from doing that. That has to happen occasionally as well.

  2. Well, now we have a reason to riot, too!

    NY Times story about Jesus having a wife from Coptic researchers.

    A historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a scrap of papyrus that she says was written in Coptic in the fourth century and contains a phrase never seen in any piece of Scripture: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife …’”


    Interesting stuff. Could there have been a Holy Ball and Chain?

  3. There was a news segment on some channel a while back about flag manufacturers in Pakistan (iirc). They made tons of American flags knowing their product would only be burned later, it is a good source of reveue. Fridays were their bussiest days.

  4. “The U.S. must make a law against blasphemy – or we will not let the U.S. consulates in Pakistan function.”

    No problem, close it down, bring home the staff, and when they come home, stop any and ALL government aid they get from us.

    But I’ll agree that in a Muslim majority country they can pass such a law and ask for extradition even. But the offsetting policy should be, any country that has had to live through airborne attacks by Muslim Radicals can rake crowds of Muslim protestors who are burning the flag of the attackees, with large-caliber automatic weapons fire.

    It’s a draw.

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