30 thoughts on “The Obama Campaign’s New Flag”

  1. First, the comparison to the blood on the wall is sick and deranged.

    As for the complaint that the Obama logo is redesigning the American flag, I googled “Romney Ryan flag shirt” and found this one:

    Looks like a redesigned flag, with, gosh, only 47% of the stripes. Or is it 53%?

    I also found this one, which is the more straightforward Romney equivalent of the Obama flag:

    I doubt any of the artists intended to say that the flag should be redesigned, or that a creepy cult of personality should take hold in the United States. I think they just see design after design with politiicians’ names right next to an american flag, and they think “lets be artistic!” And I think you know that.

    1. I note the Romney flag has only 27 stars, which is as close to 53% of the correct number of stars as you can get without fractional stars. Although fractional stars might be appropriate, eh? You could use a fractional star as a symbol of your opposition to Americans who receive so-called entitlements.

    2. As a gamer of first person shooters I have come to appreciate symbolism and background art work as a way to set the tone or mood of an event or game. The Obama flag would fit very well in a game with a zombie apocalypse theme. The comparison to the blood on the walls is a natural one for anyone who has any imagination at all.

    3. Bob, you do know the difference between a privately ran site like cafepress.com and a candidates own webstore, don’t you?

      1. Sure, but so what? The benign artistic intent is the same, whether the artist’s work is featured on a campaign website or on a private site. If you actually think that the customizedgirl.com shirt is promoting a creepy cult of personality about Romney and Ryan, please let me know, because that’s good for a laugh! Email the folks at customizedgirl too, because I bet they’d have a good laugh too.

        1. Individuals idolizing a candidate is a far cry from the candidates own campaign promoting the same.

          I could create a t-shirt portraying Romney as sitting at the right hand of God, my doing so would not reflect on the Romney campaign unless they started selling and promoting it.

        2. No. The candidate’s own website reflects what the candidate wants you to think of him/her. This one believes he rates his own icon (the “O” thing), his own flag, and (in the 2008 campaign) his own version of the presidential seal. That would suggest a narcissism of Streisand proportions.

    4. “First, the comparison to the blood on the wall is sick and deranged.”

      Por que? That’s exactly what it looks like. In fact, I find it unsettling that someone wouldn’t see that first. It is a sign of living in a fantasy world, where everyone is good, and nobody ever does anything nasty. People who live in such a world are capable of voting for malefactors such as the B-Ho…or someone even worse. They are future victims, but place us all at risk.

  2. The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

    This is exactly right. This must be our goal. We either reestablish common sense and good judgement or we better make plans for starting fresh somewhere else.

    1. Unfortunately common sense and good judgment are some of the first casualties of entitlement culture. Just as when disengaging a rusty bolt, the ratchet clicks slowly at first, but at some point it just spins easily. We’re just about there…

    2. We’d have to start with the government schools, Ken, because they are where common sense and good judgement have been publicly executed.

  3. I just for the life of me can’t understand how anyone can get such a fevah for a politician of all things.

  4. The cult of personality surrounding Obama is so creepy and goes far beyond partisan affinity for your politician of choice.

    Anyone remember those calendars they were selling at the DNC with a pic of Obama and a caption saying he was sent from God?

    1. This is how those totalitarian dictatorships like Iraq and North Korea end up with their leaders’ faces on all public buildings and with statues everywhere.

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