15 thoughts on “Gary Johnson”

  1. If the Tea Party TRULY believed in fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and restoring the Constitution Governor Gary Johnson or Rep. Ron Paul would have run away with the primaries. Indeed, a Johnson/Paul ticket would have been the natural outcome of the primary and would be beating President Obama by double digits. (Yes, Governor Johnson did look at running as a Republican before realizing he had no chance against the conservatives who run the party…)

    The fact that the Republican/Tea Party focuses on supporting right wing conservatives shows anyone who cares to see their true colors beyond their rhetoric. As the research shows the so-called Tea Party was/is nothing more than the Religious Right in a new coat of paint.


    There only redeeming feature is they are not President Obama. But I don’t look for any return to free markets or personal freedom if Governor Romney gets elected. I am definitively sure Governor Romney won’t end the “State of Emergency” that has existed since 9/11 giving the President more power… Heck, I will be surprised if he even ends Obamacare, instead he will probably find excuses why its not possible to do so legally. After is is pattern after his own Romenycare model which he is so proud of.

    1. Wow. Tom, did you ever consider that the Tea Party membership includes a minority sub-set of the Republican Party and can not be solely responsible for GOP decisions? It seems that your unreasoning hatred of the former group may interfere with your ability to think clearly.

      1. Ooooo— the “religious right”. This is perhaps the first time since 1928 that the Dems aren’t running against Herbert Hoover. Not that they don’t want to, but even they realize that Hoover comes off looking better than the Campaigner-in-Chief when it comes to economic decisions. So instead they trot out their other old standby for demonization and distraction from their incompetence. This from the same people who want to micro-manage every aspect of our lives that doesn’t involve recreational genitalia usage.

        (And I wouldn’t be surprised that a lot of Dems have been educated to associate the name “Hoover” with the image of a guy selling vacuum cleaners while wearing women’s underwear.)

    2. If Ron Paul was actually the candidate, you would be screaming about what a fracking buffoon the stupid Tea Party types had forced on the electorate and declaring your undying support for his opponent as at least marginally sane.

      Oh, wait. You -did- do this for Reid.

      1. Al,

        No, I would be voting for him just as I am voting for Governor Romney.

        As for Senator Reid, there was no Republican running against him, just a IPA party member who conned the out of state Tea Party groups into thinking she was a Republican. After she lost she went back to the IPA and supporting IPA candidates running against Republicans…

    3. If the Tea Party TRULY believed in fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and restoring the Constitution Governor Gary Johnson or Rep. Ron Paul would have run away with the primaries.

      Unfortunately for you they also believe that fiscal responsibility, personal freedom and restoring the Constitution require winning elections — which neither Ron Paul nor Gary Johnson could do.

      Too bad.

      1. Let’s see. Governor Johnson was twice elected Governor of New Mexico and would have easily been elected a third time if there weren’t term limits.

        By contrast Governor Romney was only elected once and did so poor in office his approval rating dropped from 61% when elected to only 34% in his last year, at which point he “decided” not run for re-election. His Lt. Governor who did run lost by a large margin.

        BTW in Massachusetts folks still remember Governor Romney, which is why President Obama has a double digit lead over him.

        By contrast Governor Johnson, running as a third party candidate with NO money is polling some 13% in New Mexico, where as many Democrats are supporting him as Republicans. Imagine what his numbers would be if he was running as the Republican nominee.

        So what was that about electability?

        1. “BTW in Massachusetts folks still remember Governor Romney, which is why President Obama has a double digit lead over him.”

          Tom, you’re kidding, right? The people in Massachusetts favor Obama heavily because they’re blue-state liberals. I lived there for 30 years and I used to be one of them. William Weld was about as mild a Republican as you could imagine (here in Texas he’d be considered a RINO) and people couldn’t stand him.

    4. Johnson didn’t do anything but talk smack about the TP, why would they support a person who believes Obama’s propaganda about his opponents?

      Ron Paul isn’t an appealing candidate. His voice is terrible and he also has decades of crazy statements. The best we can hope from Ron Paul is that some younger people get involved in politics because they like him.

      1. Wodun,

        Yes, crazy ideas like balancing the budget, replacing fiat money with real money so the government isn’t able to create inflation, expanding personal liberty and reducing the size of government and its power. Stop spending the hundreds of billions we borrow from China to be the world cop and subsidizing the defense of wealthy nations like Japan, Germany, France… Yep, real crazy ideas.

      2. Wodun,

        Hit submit too soon. Maybe Governor Johnson talks smack about the Tea Party because like others who DO their research he sees them for the phonies they are… And like a true Libertarian should he isn’t afraid to speak the truth.

        BTW you might want to match Governor Johnson on the issues with YOUR views and with what the Tea Party claims it believes in…


  2. My wife and I are voting Libertarian this year, having come to the conclusion that voting for the lesser of two evils(Romney) is still voting for evil. I’m tempted to vote for Romney, since a boost in War Department spending would be good for us financially(I’m working a contract gig at a prime), but in the end, it comes down to integrity. Neither Romney nor Obama have any; I wish that Ron Paul had won the nomination for the Republicans, but the deck was stacked aganist him.

    We currently live in PA, and are aware that this is a battleground state, but with no landline phones, and our cell phones have NY area codes, we don’t get the advertising. We don’t have a tv, so we aren’t inundated by ads…
    I really don’t see any difference between the two major party candidates, and the people at The American Conservative have made a case for Obama being the better candidate(no link; my client’s net nanny has banned it). We are resigned to four more years of incompetent leadership, and are stockpiling goods for the Bad Times to come, whether it is President Romney or President obama.

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