The Midsummer Night’s Dream

Is it the end, after four and a half long years, and not just a midsummer night?

You may remember the plot. Titania, queen of the fairies, has been placed under a spell by Oberon with the help of the mischievous Puck. It has caused her to fall in love with a cloddish man named Bottom, who has in turn been placed under a spell that has turned his head into that of an ass. Later on she receives the antidote that magically undoes the spell. Looking at the creature she formerly adored, she is now not only repelled, she wonders how it was that she could have ever been so thoroughly fooled:

TITANIA: My Oberon! what visions have I seen! Methought I was enamour’d of an ass.

OBERON: There lies your love.

TITANIA: How came these things to pass? O, how mine eyes do loathe his visage now!

We in this country have had many kinds of presidents, good and bad, beloved and detested. But have we ever before had a president whose career and persona have been based to such an enormous extent on a carefully constructed narrative that in turn rests on weaving a spell over a charmed public? And was the antidote finally administered last Wednesday night, at the hands of that not-so-very-Puckish guy, Mitt Romney?

Let’s hope so. For those of us never bought in, it’s been a long nightmare.

3 thoughts on “The Midsummer Night’s Dream”

  1. The Cascade is gathering steam…..Libya (going to bed while the fighting was happening, jetting off to a fund raiser after the slaughter, new revelations that the Ambassador requested increased security several times….), questionable campaign donors in 2007 and now, bad debate performance (and the flailing about for an excuse), GM bankruptcy questions, skyrocketing gas prices in Kalee-fornia, sequestration layoff manipulation at Lockmart,…..and on and on… ….. the issues are now coming so fast and furious ( ah yes there’s that one too)that the Obama team cannot respond to them all effectively (no team could).

    And Romney is gliding along mostly untouched (since he holds no office).


  2. If Romney aces the next debate (or, and more likely, if barry overcompensates and gives himself a “five o’clock shadow”) it’ll be all over but the crying.

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