Blue On Blue

The incipient war between the White House and the Clintons:

As of Friday afternoon, the White House, the State Department and the former president’s office did not return requests from The Daily Caller for comment on Klein’s reporting.

But as for the chance that Hillary Clinton would resign, Klein said in the interview: “At this moment, it appears unlikely that she’s going to do that. I mean that would be an extreme step for her to take.”

“Not only would it be hard to predict how it would play out as far as Hillary is concerned in the future, but it would certainly damage Obama’s chances for re-election if she resigned,” he said.

They say that like it would be a bad thing.

13 thoughts on “Blue On Blue”

  1. Assuming for argument’s sake that the Clintons are as mendacious as you think they are, why exactly would Hilary even think of resigning? Why couldn’t she just fire some Special Assistant Undersecretary for not bringing this urgent matter to her attention?

      1. I hate to say and never thought I would say this, but Chris might have a point here.

        If this Clintons have taught us anything, it is that if you have no shame, you have no culpability. Bill Clinton was caught in behavior that would have destroyed anyone with even a shred of conscience or responsibility. Sociopath that he is, he simply refused to accept any responsiblity, and skated away, to the extent that to this day, he still treats the whole affair as somehow the fault of those who called him on it.

        It isn’t hard to imagine Hilliary simply ignoring calls for resignation, firing some expendable underling (and face it Rand, there is ALWAYS someone in a bureaucracy willing to fall on their sword ‘for the team’), and calling for us all to ‘move on’ The press isn’t going to hold her accountable, Obama isn’t going to risk a steel cage death match with the Clintons (however much I would enjoy watching it), and ultimately the enough voters will find it in their interest to simply take the scapegoat as a propitiary sacrifice sufficient to forget all about it. That is pretty ugly, I admit, but also pretty likely…

        If you want proof, I offer two words “Eric Holder”. Look at what he has done, and he is still in office. Hillary is going to retire in 3 months whatever happens, nobody is going to risk a battle royale with someone like her (and her husband) when they cna just wait her out.

  2. She’s not going anywhere. Betraying Obama like that would drive a stake through any hopes she has for 2016

    1. I agree. The Wicked Witch of the East will dig her thick nails into the body of power before she loosens her grasp. If Obama looses next month, they’ll need to lop-off her wrists or douse her with a bucket of water…

  3. I don’t think they can throw Hillary under the bus alone. Biden (and Obama, ‘we’) said he didn’t know because of the CIA. The spin is, we’ve got lots of embassies, we can’t know everything about them.

    The people are beginning to become aware and the mendacious media are beginning to realize their credibility is in the crosshairs. Obama and Biden saying the CIA didn’t change their story for about two weeks (because the admin was constantly making that story their narrative.) This doesn’t jive with the fact that they knew within an hour of the attack that it was a planned terrorist attack (which everybody else knew simply because of the date.)

    People died and Obama is either incompetent, culpable or both. This time the media is going to have to throw Obama under the bus to protect themselves… if the issue gets pushed enough.

  4. Obama cannot afford to fire Clinton or to put pressure on her to resign. He needs the Clintons, much as he might resent it.

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