38 thoughts on “That Was Quick”

  1. I do believe the entire Obama administration is going to deeply regret blaming the intel community for their befuddled and confusing Libya narrative.

  2. Well Biden has certainly provided the opening skit for this week’s SNL. He has also fired up (as in stopped them from committing suicide) the base a bit. As to actually helping Team Obama with those voters who moved to Romney after the last debate, I don’t think so. He made Gore’s eye rolling in 2000 look like the height of statesmanship.

  3. When Ryan was picked there was certainty here that he’d wipe the floor with Biden, and I was inclined to agree. Now it’s the morning after, and the GOP is frantically trying to spin it as something other than a Biden win. So much for expectations.

    I think Ryan had the same problem that Obama had in the first debate — neither is used to having their statements challenged or dismissed.

      1. Vice President Biden, apparently, allegedly, will pretty much say whatever he wants, when he wants.

        The MSM is picking up on the “I see nothing! Nothing! Colonel Hogan, please!” defense on requests for increased embassy security that are in contradiction with Administration and State Department testimony before Congress.

        I don’t think there was any tactic or pose or affect that could have had Congressman Ryan “wipe the floor” with the Vice President.

        But I think that Mr. Ryan could have done more to have the Vice President “just talk”, as it appears is his habit, and to get on the record, answering questions about Libya, Iranian nuclear ambitions, the decision to “surge” in Afghanistan (which the Vice President opposed according to reports, but now supports).

        In other words, I was a little disappointed that Mr. Ryan didn’t do more to “smoke out” the Vice President, and then let the Media “fact checkers” go to work, which they appear to be doing with the Libya matter as so much news is being made about it as we speak.

        Yes, the Main Stream Media is biased against Conservatives and Republicans, but they love “fact checking” and bringing constradictory statements to the public attention. It is what they do.

        My final remark is that it appears that the Wisconsin Congressman is very much a “team player.” I “concern trolled” around here that he would snap at Mr. Biden as he did the Detroit TV reporter, and it appears that Mr. Ryan “followed the game plan” and didn’t rise to the bait of provocation. Congressman Ryan appears to be coachable, a Rogers and not a Favre, so the outcome of that debate was reassuring.

        1. Yes, the Main Stream Media is biased against Conservatives and Republicans, but they love “fact checking” and bringing constradictory statements to the public attention. It is what they do.

          Do they? Have you seen any MSM comment on Ryan’s bit about windmills in China and electric cars in Finland (both falsehoods)? About the six “studies” (aka blog posts) that supposedly validate the Romney tax plan math (they don’t)?

          You can try to fact check Romney/Ryan, but you’ll never keep up.

          1. A lot of Chinese compnies received stimulus money.

            I don’t exect politicians on either side to be 100% accurate but if we are going to talk about malarkey, Biden had plenty of his own. He lied about Libya, he lied about GM, and he even lied about Ryan lying.

            I think Ryan should have thrown Biden’s comment from few weeks back at him. You know the one where he said it takes balls to accuse someone of something that you are doing. That would have ended the debate right there.

      1. Because Ryan is very good at convincing people that he is sincere and knows what he’s talking about, regardless of the facts in question. E.g. the final anecdote in this profile.

        1. LOL. The reporter describing Ryan’s critique of direct student loans: Not everything in Ryan’s career, and possibly nothing at all, is quite so undeniably venal.

          Lord Jim, with that kind of source material, it’s no wonder you’re lost in the woods.

          Anyway, I figured you just might have been inclined to anticipate a Ryan debate victory because of who he was debating.

          Guess not.

    1. Could you help me understand where did “Biden win”? Was it when he pronounced Syria to be 5X larger than Libya? Was it where he denied that he voted for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Was it where he threw the intelligence community and Hillary under the bus in blaming them for the debacle in Libya? Was it where he detailed how he and BHO were going to turn the economy around, the part I apparently missed during the seconds I briefly flipped to another network?

      1. The polling of independent voters suggests that Biden won or at least tied. Virtually no one is calling this the sort of lopsided victory that Romney won last week — which is what most everyone expected when Ryan was added to the ticket.

        1. The substantive polls of independent voters, in fact, say that Ryan won or at least tied. And, Biden’s bad boy antics are going to leave a lasting impression, and not at all a good one. His major gaffe, backing the administration into a corner on the Libyan debacle, is going to draw concentrated fire in the weeks ahead. I don’t see any way to label this a win for Team Obama.

        2. HAHAHA

          If Jim believed his own BS:
          Virtually nNo one is calling this the sort of lopsided victory that Romney won last week

          Even Jim can’t write it as a Biden victory without qualifiers. CBS can, but then we know their poll was D+8. SurveyUSA can, but they sampled D+19. But those are just polls.

          The real fun is Biden opening that can of whoopass worms on Benghazi.

      2. Jim probably liked the part where Biden said afghanistan was going so awesome we didn’t give the generals the troops they asked for and pulled them out early because things are going so awesome and that all of our troops were replaced by super new awesome afghans because the training is working out so awesomely.

    2. If you wish to claim the antics of an obviously cocaine-addled dimwit as a victory, you’re welcome to it. May you have many more of them.

  4. I’d love to see the Romney campaign release an ad featuring Joe at his most awful. The caption would read, “Joe Biden – One Heartbeat from the Presidency.”

    If the words “President Joe Biden” don’t scare you, then you’re brain damaged.

    1. How would he be worse than the incumbent? Given, the incumbent staying in office another 4 years terrifies me.

      1. Obama has been a dismal president. The very idea of Biden being in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal terrifies me. The man is a deranged idiot and apparently unstable based on his behavior last night.

  5. Jim,

    yeah Ryan never had his plan scoffed at, to his face, by the President of the United States…sheesh…..

    1. That isn’t a big win, it’s a close call, and the sample was GOP-heavy (maybe Dems tuned out the debate for fear of what they’d see, I know my wife did). CBS had it at 50%-31% for Biden.

      1. So we’ve gone from ” Now it’s the morning after, and the GOP is frantically trying to spin it as something other than a Biden win.” to “That isn’t a big win, it’s a close call”. What kind of motor do you use on those goal posts?

        1. Jim is just picking polls whose results he agrees with and dismissing all others — you know, that thing he constantly accuses other people of doing. 🙂

      2. maybe Dems tuned out the debate for fear of what they’d see

        What do you think they were afraid of? Ryan making effective points and possibly being influenced by them? Or Biden saying something very stupid. Which one Jim?

      3. I agree that it wasn’t a big win. It was a poor debate so it was hard for there to be a winner.

        Biden interupted Ryan literally every time Ryan spoke. I like the back and forth but Biden never gave Ryan a chance to finish a sentence. Ryan should have responded more to what Bidem was saying instead of just answering questions. And when Biden wasn’t interrupting him the moderator was.

        Between the leading questions and the clear preferential treatment for Biden, the moderator did a horrible job. Her follow ups for Biden lacked the critical edge she directed at Ryan.

  6. …and then Biden claimed he and Obama were never told of the requests for more security……..requests that went to the State Department.


    They just threw Hillary under the bus with the Intelligence Community.

    They will REALLY regret doing that….Think Bill will come to his aid again?

    All that has to happen is for one reporter like Jake Tapper to ask Carney if they are saying Hillary never transmitted the message to Barry. Or have Romney bring it up during the next 2 debates.

    As of last night the election is completely over. The slaughter will be legendary.

      1. “Don’t worry, Shultzie, we’ll send a blanket and some cookies to you when you get to the Eastern Front.”

  7. Biden, taking Obama’s “get-in-their-face” advice, came across as rude, angry, at times incoherent, generally unappealing and an insult to the dignity of the office of Vice President of the United States. I could not watch him. He look liked the Joker from Batman. He really did. But more, he acted like him. I could not help thinking how he personifies the reason for gridlock in Washington; all I could see was that this is the face of the Democrats. Can you imagine what it is like to negotiate with them? And this is what the Democrats accept as someone qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? But at least now I can point to this embarrassment the next time someone says, “Sarah Palin is stupid” or not qualified to have been VP.

    1. “Who do you trust? Me? I’m giving out free money. And, where is the Batman? He’s at home! A-washin’ his tights.”

      His stretched out face kind of looked like Jack Nicholson’s in the movie, too.

          1. If that’s true, you have to blame Ryan. All the comedian has to do is tell the jokes. It’s the straight man’s job to get the laughs.

            Biden didn’t seem to understand the routine, since he kept laughing at his own jokes.

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