4 thoughts on “The Russian Reset”

  1. His foreign policy failure, at every point on the globe, is the result of not having American values. For anyone with American values it’s about not playing to win.

    One day we need a serious adult American president. Our enemies are playing for keeps. Serious adult means not believing any of the media spin.

    1. You really don’t get it, do you Bob? They are an enemy threat, but they are a rational enemy for the most part. Conducting wargames and even having friendly respect between our militaries doesn’t change that.

      They are a direct threat to us due to nukes, but their idea of a near abroad means they will leave us alone as long as we let them gobble up their neighbors. Of course, the problem with that is the more neighbors they gobble up the more neighbors they have. The only reason they aren’t more active doing that is they have internal problems. During those times when those problems become less of a burden they will try to gulp down some neighbors as they did with half of Georgia. America has no similar empire building urges.

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