Can The Dems Sink Any Lower?

Unfortunately, they can, and they undoubtedly will:

You would think that at some point, decent people would be ashamed to be associated with the Democratic Party. For all too many, that hasn’t happened yet. In the meantime, fasten your seat belt, because the Democrats are about to pull out every stop in their desperate greed to hang on to unearned wealth and political power.

Nope, they’re shameless. We saw that in the nineties.

8 thoughts on “Can The Dems Sink Any Lower?”

  1. [cue the X-files music] The truth is it’s all projection because the democrats themselves are an alien species.

    …and by democrats I mean the lying media that doesn’t call anybody on this blatant bigotry.

  2. Like thousands of swing state residents, I got a copy of “Dreams from My Real Father” in the mail. Have any Dems spent millions doing anything nearly as tasteless?

    1. There are millions upon millions of voters in swing states, and fewer than .1% of them got this propaganda piece?

      I live in a swing state, too, and have never even heard of it myself. Sounds like a non-issue to me.

    2. Ask all the Republicans in Florida that got mailers telling them they are ineligible to vote.

      Ask they guy in WI who got the crap beat out of him for trying to stop Obama people from stealing his signs.

      Ask Jim Moran’s son.

      When your party’s leader goes are dehumanizing his “enemies” and telling his supporters they want to return to slavery, take away women’s right to vote, kill poor people and the elderly, ect it incentiveizes his supports to act without morality or as Obama calls it, new civility.

  3. “Like thousands of swing state residents, I got a copy of “Dreams from My Real Father” in the mail. Have any Dems spent millions doing anything nearly as tasteless?”

    I don’t know, being fellating Big Brother seems pretty tasteless to me.

  4. Of course they can go lower, Rand.

    They keep a fleet of backhoes on retainer for just that purpose.

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