15 thoughts on “Well, At Least He Had Kids”

  1. “Well, At Least He Had Kids” could be less charitably stated as “Damn, he was able to reproduce.”

  2. If it keeps getting warmer, as nearly all the experts expect, he’ll look like a tragically ignored prophet.

      1. You beat me to part of my response. He is a tragically ignored prophet if and only if: 1) The “globe” continues to warm; 2) This warming provably produces tragic results on a massive scale; and 3) This warming is shown without doubt to have been caused by human beings. The biggest one of these is number 2), which is simply a matter of conjecture at this point. No one on earth can predict what will happen. If Gore gets it “right,” he is no more prophetic than someone who called heads on a coin toss.

        This package deal is probably the most annoying aspect of the warm-mongers mongering. You either accept their entire doomsday scenario in its entirety, or you are a “denier.” Mike Griffin, for all his faults, stated the real issue more elegantly than anyone; no one knows what the “best” climate is. Warm=bad is not a necessary (or even particularly plausible) position. But if it turns out to be the case, it’s one of only three choices.

    1. If it keeps getting warmer, but humans are not contributing to it, or can have any effect on it at all, he’ll look no better than Mao or Stalin. He’ll have massive human suffering on his resume. But your statement is probably a good prediction of what future leftists’ opinions will be: He had good intentions, so it’s OK. (Ignoring that his intentions weren’t really all that good either)

        1. “Over the last 140 years global surface temperatures have risen by about 0.8ºC. However, within this record there have been several periods lasting a decade or more during which temperatures have risen very slowly or cooled. The current period of reduced warming is not unprecedented and 15 year long periods are not unusual.”

          “Combined, several of these factors could account for some or all of the reduced warming trend seen over the last decade – but this is an area of ongoing research.”

          Per your link.

    2. “If it keeps getting warmer, as nearly all the experts expect,…”

      Doesn’t it sometimes take an expert to identify an expert? I am not an expert and somehow I suspect you aren’t either.

      1. No, I’m not an expert. But the National Academy of Sciences is full of experts, why don’t you ask them?

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