10 thoughts on “Gloria Allred’s October Surprise”

  1. …aw, it’s early yet. The (D)’s still most an entire week to find a good, steamy, nasty October Surprise!

    But think about this. They’ve not been able to dig up a good surprise about Romney yet. This is the first time in many a Presidential Election Cycle where the DNC has not had at least a smarmy tale to tell about the Right Side Candidate.

    (by smarmy I mean like the trumped up TANG records on GWB…)

    Not only has the Left not found a supposed surprise, their candidate is up to his mocha colored @$$ in Libyan ‘allegators’. Even some of his old MSM supporters are running stories about what the WH knew and when they knew it.

    I think Obumble is SOOOOooooo done.

  2. Now it gets ugly.

    Teh wan is not used to being told he can’t have what he wants. For the next 3 months we get a lame duck President with the terrible twos. After all, the American people will have demonstrated they don’t deserve his “enlightened leadership”.

    How ugly?

    1. What’ll be worse will be watching the Dems defend and support every tantrum he throws as somehow justified by ‘teh racism’.

  3. I dunno…. I think Aldred might have more. There are, after all, those scandalous rumors from Romney’s past, from way back in the 60’s: that he may have, probably accidentally, taken a sip of a caffeinated beverage.

    Oh, the horror! I’m so shocked and appalled I might spill my coffee.

    Yet the documented fact that Obama thanked his drug dealer (the only personal he individually thanked) and the “Choom gang” in his high school yearbook dedication? Nah, nothing to see here, move along…

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