8 thoughts on “An Election Metaphor”

  1. I’ve had this discussion with my wife. The more I learn about Romney, the more I like him as a person, and as a candidate. He seems like a genuinely humble and authentic man. Maybe his policies are going to be bad. But I’m struck by the fact that he, more than any politician that I’ve ever experienced, is going to be driven by a real need to do what he thinks is right. His moral compass really does seem to be pointing true.

    I may be completely off in that reading of him. But I’m much more comfortable voting for him than any candidate I can remember. I couldn’t say that even two months ago. It was definitely an ABO choice for me. Not anymore.

    Odds are, I’ll be completely disillusioned with him by summer of next year. But I have some hope that he is different.

  2. I think the election is between Wile E. Coyote (self-described genius) and the Road Runner. Obama Coyote keeps trying to take down Romney Road Runner only to have it blow up in his face.

    My money is on the Road Runner.

  3. It’s a good analogy but there is a simpler one. Adult vs. Juvenile.

    All arguments based on class warfare are juvenile going right back to Marx. Yes, many that are rich abuse power. Using that as an excuse to steal is a greater abuse of power. The fundamentals always apply. Especially when the rich that are abusing their power are doing it in cahoots with the juveniles as willing accomplices. They used to just use onerous regulations to keep the power in the hands of the bigger companies. Now they’ve gone beyond that to stealing directly from bond holders that make big companies possible while giving it to labor unions that steal from everybody, members and non-members alike.

  4. One could argue that Romney is acting out the final stage of Maslow’s hierarchy. His life story seems to be climbing that pyramid.

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