If You Can Fake Sincerity

You’ve got it made in Washington:

Republicans, for their part, appear to be relishing the leaks out of the West Wing. Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck broadcast the remarks on his Twitter feed earlier today and mused, “I wonder if the president agrees w/his senior aide who tells National Journal the charm offensive is a ‘joke’ and only done for the media.”

If he does, he’ll never admit it.

2 thoughts on “If You Can Fake Sincerity”

  1. It’s like getting a look at something you knew existed, but people kept telling you wasn’t really standing there, right in front of you all the time. And if it wasn’t a serious situation, it would be funny that the minions are making fun of their evil leader!

  2. There’s no way that Obama’s ‘charm offensive’ would fool anyone of normal intelligence. However, given that it was intended to fool John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and their hangers-on, it’ll probably work like gangbusters.

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