Fossil Fuels

Gaia loves them:

In the end, Japan’s work in this field is good news. This is still a very new technology, and it is likely to become significantly safer the more we learn and study it. More R&D needs to go into the technology supporting offshore drilling for methane hydrates before we can seriously consider doing this, but the potential is certainly there.

The energy revolution just keeps getting better.

But it makes Baby JeebusAlgore cry.

6 thoughts on “Fossil Fuels”

  1. Along the lines of your comment about a bad day for Nanny Bloomberg – if it makes Algore cry, it’s probably good for humanity.

  2. Econuts are going to blow their top if this becomes something. They have been freaking out about methane deposits getting into the atmosphere for a while now.

    1. Econuts like Elon Musk?

      “New technology and innovation can have a downside and one of the downsides is people are able to extract far more hydrocarbons than we thought were possible. Once you start getting into deep methane, or deep natural gas, you’re actually tapping into things that are not related to dinosaur fossils. Methane is a naturally occurring gas. There are places in the solar system where the atmosphere is primarily methane. So, it does not require an organic origin. If we dig too deep for methane, we’re actually going to a level that has never been seen before, not even in the very earliest history of Earth. So that’s very dangerous I think. That’s why I think it’s important for electric cars to be able to compete without an economic benefactor. But, I think, it is very dangerous to be extracting vast quantities of hydrocarbons from deep within the Earth and putting them in the atmosphere. Sooner or later, something very bad will happen.”

      1. But…but…but… but, Raptor! I wish he didn’t spout that nonsense (I don’t think it’s an issue he considers worthy of finding the truth about.)

  3. Eco-nut aversion to oil and coal always struck me as very strange since they are both as natural as you can get. We don’t make it..nature does.

    So using it shouldn’t bother them.

    Oh but don’t you see? Burning oil transforms it into icky particles!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah so does Krakatoa erupting.

    In fact, so does breathing. It turns oxygen into icky CO2 – how HORRIBLE!

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