To Be A Racist Bigot In America

…is just fine, “…as long as you’re a bigot in support of Democratic causes. Which, come to think of it, is how things were in Bull Connor’s day, too.”

I’m going to start calling them out on their racism at every opportunity. They’ve been doing it to me for years, and when I call them out on it, it will have the additional virtue of being actually true, and not just a dishonest Alinskyite tactic.

2 thoughts on “To Be A Racist Bigot In America”

  1. Self-hating white people have many fascinating behaviors. For instance, did you ever notice that the most ardent advocates for Diversity and Vibrance live as far away from Diversity and Vibrance as they can get? Did you ever wonder why the people who are most vehement in their condemnation of White Privilege never fail to enjoy that “privilege” themselves?

    Don’t argue with them. Argument is pointless. Mock the white-haters mercilessly. Their inflated egos cannot bear scorn, and will collapse in amusing ways if punctured.

  2. “I’m going to start calling them out on their racism at every opportunity. ”

    That’s what I’ve been doing….every rent-seeking, plantation loving, minimum-wage-craving, school detroyer gets a good hard dose of it.

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