Obama’s Competency Deficit

Some thoughts:

This administration has grand ambitions to grow government but little interest in running it. The result, according to polling, is the highest mistrust in government in years. And rightfully so. We’ve willy-nilly added bureaucracy, deepened the debt, perpetuated cronyism, slowed economic entrepreneurialism and gotten few, if any, of the promised benefits.

It’s not exactly a new problem, but more people are starting to notice it. Too bad they didn’t do so a year ago.

4 thoughts on “Obama’s Competency Deficit”

  1. As Obama said recently in a speech, the government is us. Obama’s contention is that we shouldn’t worry about anything the government does because it is made up of people we voted for and those people are just regular folk, while this isn’t true if we go by Obama’s words, it is all the more reason not to trust the government.

    We are not by virtue of our citizenship more pure or moral than other human beings and the morals and ethics present in our society run the full spectrum. It is almost as if Obama wants people to believe that government workers and politicians are pious clergy above suspicions and reproach.

    1. It’s a popular American myth that the government consists of the 535 elected members of Congress and the President & Vice President. For the most part, those are the “for show” members of government. They’re the public face of the federal government, AKA “Hollywood for ugly people.”

      The real power, the actual government in DC, consists of millions of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, judges and law enforcement personnel that comprise the American nomenklutura. They write and enforce thousands of new regulations each year. They enforce the tax laws. They weren’t elected by anyone, are almost impossible to fire no matter how poorly they do their jobs, and get salaries and benefits that far outstrip what the vast majority of the people in the private sector can get. There’s also a revolving door between them and the lobbying firms and major corporations that many of them use to enrich themselves at our expense. They also know that presidents come and go but the nomenklutura goes on forever. If they don’t like a president (see: Bush, ’43), they’ll actively work to undermine him until his term expires, knowing full well that there’s nothing he can do about it.

  2. Everyone knows an Obama.
    They talk big, act big, lie with aplomb and do little.

    Sociopathic narcissists.

  3. Actually governing would mean taking responsibility for the results. This crowd is psychologically incapable of such things.

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