9 thoughts on “IQ Tests For Politicians”

  1. I’d like to see candidates display their intelligence, or lack thereof, facing off on a quiz game show with relevant questions.

    1. From a Quiz Show? I’d settle for some from the old Newlywed Game.

      “Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. Candidate, where would YOU say the Sun comes up in your neighborhood? The north, south, east or west?”

      “Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. Candidate, when YOU boil a dozen eggs, does the water need to be hotter or colder than when you boil just two eggs?”

      “Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. Candidate, how many months on YOUR kitchen calendar have 30 days?”

      If they get through that, give them a fifth grade math test. That alone would clear out 90% of the current crop of politicians from local dog catchers and county meter reader supervisors to POTUS.

  2. They only have our good at heart….remember that one congresscritter so worried an island would tip over with all the military gear? He was so concerned for our military personnel……

  3. If we really want to kill anti-gun-rights legislation, just find a way to link IQ tests for politicians to that legislation (even just having to take the test and disclose the results) they’d instantly lose their enthusiasm for the bill. Mist have room temperature IQs… and that’s if we’re using Celsius.

    @Gregg, it was congresscritter Hank Johnson who was worried about Guam tipping over, and he unsurprisingly (he’s a Democrat in a blue district) won re-election by a wide margin, and is still in the house. Odd how saying something manifestly stupid only hurts Republicans and not Democrats.

  4. As an aside, the Obama administration is apparently trying to weaken the effects of austerity in Europe:

    Many European governments are cuttingspending and raising taxes to shrink budget deficits that ballooned after the financial crisis. Some, such as Greece and Portugal, have no choice under terms of international bailout agreements. Others, such as the U.K. and Germany, say they must pursue balanced budgets to ensure confidence in their public finances and stronger long-run growth.

    The Obama administration and the International Monetary Fund have warned that the efforts, if pursued too rapidly, could be self-defeating by restraining growth, which could widen deficits and make government debts harder to pay. The outcome matters to the U.S. because its economy is closely linked to Europe’s and could be hurt if the euro zone’s financial turmoil escalates.

    Mr. Lew, on his second official trip abroad after one to China, hinted on Tuesday that Europe should ease the pace of its austerity efforts until growth picks up, pointing to the improving economic picture in the U.S. The U.S. economy has expanded for more than three years, while growth in the euro zone is about zero. The U.S. has sought to “balance growth and fiscal discipline in a way that keeps our recovery strong,” he said. “It has meant some midcourse corrections and extending the period of fiscal consolidation.”

    Oddly enough, nobody in the EU changed their minds just because the kids from across the pond got involved. You have to wonder what the Obama administration is worried about and why they think that this effort might produce something. The story claims the US is concerned about an economic down turn.

  5. IMHO what the Obama admin is very concerned about is if cuts are shown to boost the economy, as they have in Estonia (highest growth rate in Europe). That would be disastrous for them.

  6. Interestingly enough, writing articles about guns appears to need an IQ test also. Filling any gun magazine with bullets (however done) would probably ruin that magazine and certainly wouldn’t make it usable in the gun. Filling it with cartridges, certainly.

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