Busy And Aching

I was traveling most of last week, and I’m now frantically trying to finish the book. Plus, I had a tooth extracted this morning.

Just in case anyone was wondering why blogging has been light to non-existent.

[Wednesday morning update]

Thanks for the sympathy, but it’s really not that bad. The extraction was almost painless, with lidocaine, and I’ve only experienced a little swelling, and not much pain, on ibuprofen. I feel pretty much back to normal today. Next related project is an implant, in a few months after the bone graft has filled in and healed, but my experience with those is that they’re not a big deal, either. Modern dentistry is one of the many reasons that I wouldn’t want to have been born in an earlier era.

8 thoughts on “Busy And Aching”

  1. Ouch! Do watcha gotta do, Rand. We’ll be here waiting for our free ice cream when you finish.

  2. I feel your pain. Got a sore tooth but my appointment is a week Thursday! Have fun with the book!

  3. Did you hear the good news? The SLS is on schedule and under budget!

    From what I can tell they spent about $1.8 billion in 2012 and didn’t produce any hardware whatsoever. But at least they were able to finish designing the thing. It should be one of the best rockets in history considering that it’s had maybe ten thousand man-years of design work put into it.

  4. You know what’s awesome about dental extractions? Conscious sedation. Walk into the room, the dentist sticks a needle in your arm, you wake up at home with the process finished. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled, including one that had basically no crown left. I have a vague memory, as if of a dream, of telling the dentist “the other three weren’t so bad, but that one hurt,” presumably while it was happening, but I don’t really remember it as something that happened to me, nor do I remember the pain.

  5. Teeth bonded to the bone were only seen in Isaac Asimov’s science fiction a few decades ago. In The Currents of Space, one of the Great Squires has a metallic smile from the artificial teeth attached to his jawbones. In Pebble in the Sky, a time traveller has bridgework which was thought to be homemade in the future society because the teeth weren’t attached to the bone.

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