The Chutzpah Of Max Baucus

Mike Pompeo calls him on it:

If it’s a train wreck, Pompeo said, Baucus has no one to blame but himself.

“No one in the country bears more responsibility for the complexity of this law than you,” Pompeo wrote in a letter to Baucus on Thursday.

Baucus, as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was a key architect of the Affordable Care Act. Most of its major provisions were crafted in his committee, and the Finance draft was consistently treated as the primary bill even as other Senate and House committees worked on their own proposals.

“You drafted it, you twisted arms to get it passed, and, until now, you have lauded it as a model for all the world,” Pompeo wrote to Baucus. “Your attempts to pass the buck to President Obama’s team will not work, nor will they absolve you of responsibility for the harm that you have brought via this law.”

Baucus has a competitive reelection fight coming up next year — just months after the biggest pieces of ObamaCare are set to take effect. Republicans have already made clear that they plan to target Baucus over his role in getting the healthcare law passed, and problems with the implementation could make the GOP’s job easier.

My emphasis.

It certainly should make it easier. These people are truly disgusting.

2 thoughts on “The Chutzpah Of Max Baucus”

  1. Speaking of Chutzpah …

    Have the great legal minds involved in the court case of the (young) century noted that Michael Mann et al themselves use the slanderous, libelous, defamatory and not-to-be-tolerated expression “tree ring circus” in reference to THEIR OWN PROFESSION ?

    Tree Ring Circus: Paleoclimate Redux
    By Climate Guest Blogger on Sep 2, 2012 at 11:24 am
    by Michael E. Mann, Gavin Schmidt, and Eric Steig, via RealClimate

    IANAL but it seems to me that either (a) the term is never defamatory or (b) a certain ironic tone sometimes does, and sometimes does not, pertain to the use of the term and that term is therefore not obviously per se defamatory.

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