8 thoughts on “Starships”

  1. Probably worth the trip to hear any discussion on a fitting name for the first starship (Starship Enterprise, Arthur C. Clarke, Starship James T. Kirk, etc.).

    If nothing else, give a head nod to Hawking.

  2. Well, they’ll certainly never send a starship out with the current attitude on safety.

  3. It’s all well and good to dream of starships, but frankly I’m more interested in America being able to launch humans into orbit again sometime this decade. After that, maybe a trip beyond LEO for the first time in 40+ years.

  4. I never understood the SF writer/scientist conferences.

    The writers certainly benefit from it – they get all kinds of nifty ideas to work into stories.

    But what do the scientists get out of it?

    Now an Engineer/SF writer conference makes more sense to me. Engineers build things. Getting the idea of what to build is the tough part.

    But SF stories have inspired the production of many successful and exciting engineering projects.

    1. Well, this engineer will be at that symposium. SF writers are fun to hang out with, and for decades I’ve wanted to meet Freeman Dyson.

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