14 thoughts on “Bill And Hillary”

  1. Love Story, The Graduate, The Producers…

    Springtime for Hitlary!
    You’re trying to seduce me Mrs. Rodham.
    Love means never having to see this movie.

  2. They already had their Hollywood romance. It was called “Primary Colors,” which is about as good a film as they ever deserved.

    Okay, it was fictionalized. But not that much.

  3. Forget about politics–we all know for a fact that’s a screwed up marriage and relationship. Only mindless partisans could possibly want to hold that up to anything but ridicule. Now, if you want to do it as an entertaining trainwreck, maybe.

    Hard not to view Clinton in parallel to Huey Long, isn’t it?

  4. Oh, if it is an honest movie, it should be humorous to see Bill dominate and humiliate Hilary. It’s a love story, which means sex, and we all know he loves his fellatio and cigars. Go Hilary! Of course, we all know the power type lawyers are really subs in their personal lives. We should have this perspective as Hilary 2016 starts up. The movie will be memorable for the scene when Bill first sees Hilary with “Baby Got Back!” as the soundtrack.

    Or do you think it will be some made up lie?

    1. I think the whole thing was a lie since college (Chelsea being the counter factual.) I think Hillary saw Bill as a ticket, while Bill was just being Bill.

      1. Yeah, but if she didn’t put out; he would have moved on. We know. We have seen evidence of him doing it time and again.

        Well, I am forgetting her capability. She might have some particular damning evidence held over him to assure he didn’t runaway publically. She might not be able to control his sexual urges, but she can make him toe-the-line in her definition of marriage.

        1. “She might have some particular damning evidence held over him to assure he didn’t runaway publically.”

          Back in the day, people speculated they were going to stay together for spousal immunity in any possible criminal proceedings.

        2. Fair enough Rand and Rick, but this is the story about how they met and fell in love; that had to have started with Hilary wearing a dress and on her knees.

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