The Stupid Party

strikes again:

It is understandable that Tennessee senators Corker and Alexander would oppose the idea for the usual home team reasons, but why aren’t other Republicans jumping on board and upping the ante? (Probably for the usual deference/log-rolling reasons; they’ll want Corker and Alexander to support their home state pet projects down the line.) I recommend that Republicans suggest adding the Bonneville Power Administration in the Pacific Northwest, and watch the Democratic senators from Oregon and Washington object. That’s probably why Obama didn’t include Bonneville along with TVA. Memo to GOP: Go big with this idea.

But they won’t because…see post title.

2 thoughts on “The Stupid Party”

  1. Apparently the only thing modern politicians know how to accomplish is getting themselves elected.

    I watch other countries have brawls and wonder if that wouldn’t be an improvement if brought here.

  2. Seriously? Obama is actually willing to privatize the TVA? That low-pitched grinding sound you’re hearing is Sam Rayburn, FDR, and George Norris turning over in their graves in tandem.

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