8 thoughts on “ISS Problem”

  1. Of course not.. they’re just going to let it bleed out and then complain about the diminished capability of the station, the retirement of the shuttle, and anything else they can use this for.

    Sending someone out to plug the leak wouldn’t be safe.

    1. I was tempted to snark, “Of course it wouldn’t be safe! What if one of the astronauts inhaled the fumes!” — but somebody would have missed the (to us) obvious humor.

    1. If neither is advantageous, just say “What does it matter?” and mention how offensive youtube videos are.

  2. If one happened to have a spare Falcon ‘sitting’, about how long does the fueling and final launch prep take?

    It would almost be worth the price (IMNSHO) to do it pro bono just for the PR and advertising.

  3. On the way home on the radio yesterday they said that there was going to be a spacewalk to attempt to fix it.

    1. I heard this as well. Something about changing the pump. The report I heard was post EVA and seemed to suggest that the fix was working out so far.

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