Barack Obama, Supersalesman

He’s not only the best gun salesman in history, but he’s apparently selling conservatism, too:

If these scandals are indeed affecting the ideological landscape, this is bad news for liberals. It’s not just that the opposite ideology is getting some help from government bunglers, but the media is exacerbating the problem. Liberals believe that there is a role for government to play in mediating market failures, and there are plenty of stories of areas where the safety net is thinning as a result of sequestration—from cancer treatments to Head Start to Meals-on-Wheels—where government should step in. But those stories get lost in the scandal coverage of an administration, making it look like conservatives fundamentally understand something that liberals do not.

You don’t say.

7 thoughts on “Barack Obama, Supersalesman”

  1. John Dickerson wrote that? Uber-partisan politics-is-everything former-political-operative John Dickerson? Wow, he must be rattled as hell.

  2. It’s refreshing that he made the proper distinction between conservatives and the Republican party. Government is a blunt instrument wielded by naves, fools, the power-hungry and the corrupt. This kind of ideological abuse isn’t isolated but systemic. And as government grows ever more powerful, the abuse will only increase especially considering how no one is ever seriously prosecuted for it. And we’re supposed to trust the same agency that proved incapable of acting in a non-biased, non-partisan manner with the tax code with administering the health care system? Seriously?

  3. More than a few people who (as they later said to me) “didn’t trust Romney” are very unhappy with how things are going.

    Not progressives; just non-stupid low-information voters.

    1. They were warned….starting in 2008. It was clear to a lot of us that this is the inevitable result of hiring a Chicago Thug. And we said so loudly and often. We were ignored.

      With regard to the topic, the Founders clearly understood this is the inevitable result, if you expand the power and functions of government, and they said so as well. They know human nature and know what happens when you offer jobs with power – and know just the sorts of people who are attracted to those kinds of jobs.

      Lots of lefties squawk about a constitution written by dead white mean and living documents and other such rubbish. Maybe more people understand those guys knew their stuff.

  4. The graphs don’t lie. Our country had a slow gradual growth in government power and spending for most of our existence. Since FDR it now looks like an SR71 leaving the end of the runway. The result is unavoidable. It’s just a matter of time.

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