5 thoughts on “Clintonian”

  1. If you deny “X”, it means “X” doesn’t exist. If you evade a question, you’ve answered the question.

    Like wise,

    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.

    And last, but not least, Obama IS Black!

  2. He may be as clueless as he claims on many items. I am beginning to believe the President of the United States only knows about the things that Valerie Jarrett decides he should know about.

  3. A question that I wish a reporter would ask (if they could get past the President’s pre-selection of them): “If this is the most transparent and open Administration ever, then how come you, Mr. President, and your various Cabinet members are not even aware of what the government is doing?”

  4. “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from evil.”

    I forget where I first saw that, but it seems apt. At some point Hanlon’s Razor no longer applies.

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