3 thoughts on “The Political Class”

  1. Part-time legislature. Congress shall meet no more than three months a year, except for emergency sessions in response to strictly-defined national emergencies.

    Term limits — for legislators *and* their staff.

    Recall elections for all elected positions.

    Permanent ban on former legislators and staff from working in any lobbying position.

    Permanent ban on anyone who has ever practiced law from running for public office or being appointed to the judiciary, and anyone who has served in those positions from practicing law.

    Repeal the Marbury vs. Madison percedent and return the Supreme Court to its original role.

    These might not solve the problem, but they would be a start.

  2. Part-time legislature. Congress shall meet no more than three months a year

    We could haggle over exact length, but this for sure. Too many laws are written, some with excessive length, because Legislators have too much time to draft them and a desire to pass the time. Limit their time and they would search for efficiency in the work that they do. They would not think they had the time to run things as complex as healthcare or education.

  3. I’d say they need to set aside a portion of each session in which to do nothing but repeal existing laws — and not simply by re-passing them under unanimous consent with a new datestamp, as I am certain they would do under the “all laws must have an expiration date” regime many have proposed.

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