7 thoughts on “They Trip”

  1. Hold politicians and bureaucrats accountable for their actions? Make them and the government live by the same rules they impose on us? Why, that’s just crazy talk!

    Seriously, the fact that the government doesn’t have to operate under the same accounting rules as corporations is an outrage.

  2. The pain is suppose to come from ridicule when they get their first chance in office and never, ever get a second chance.

    That that is not true means it’s completely broken (yes, completely.)

    Currently we are in denial by not facing this reality.

    they’re willing to accept the responsibility, but they’re not willing to take the blame

    Very insightful, but this is like Eric Holder investigating himself. The responsibility is with we the people. America doesn’t exist without we the people taking responsibility. Look around, it ain’t happening.

    I think it’s because we’ve been dogged into submission by “so many laws to protect us.”

    Take the seat belt law. Why aren’t we required to wear helmets, it’s the same logic? For years we drove cars without seat belts and yes, perhaps more people died (Darwin at work.) But the bigger tragedy is letting our government get to the state it’s now in.

    It’s an over reach but we accept it and we shouldn’t. “It’s just the way it is and you’re a nut if you say different.”

    Call me nutty. Not you Rand, you’ve done your part. 😉

  3. Politicians are more accountable than the people running Goldman Sachs and Citygroup. Term limits and regular elections. Which is more than I can say for either of those.

    1. They would be held more accountable if politicians didn’t bail them out. Still, I’m fairly certain both Goldman Sachs and Citi Group have board elections, so your point doesn’t hold their either.

      1. “They would be held more accountable if politicians didn’t bail them out. Still, I’m fairly certain both Goldman Sachs and Citi Group have board elections, so your point doesn’t hold their either.”

        Do Godzilla’s ever?

        And of course the more important point is that (except when you are forced at gun-point to bail them out) you don’t have to deal with Goldman Sachs or Citi Group. Unlike Der Staat.

        1. “Do Godzilla’s ever?”

          Rarely, but that was a new level of cluelessness. By any chance, does he live in another country? That might explain his total unfamiliarity of recent events.

  4. Speaking of Glenn Reynolds, what is the deal with Senator Alexander?

    Some TEA Party people were trying to “draft” the good professor to oppose Lamar Alexander in the GOP Primary, the Alexander people wanted to talk the “Instapundit” out of it, Reynolds said he is not running, and then the Alexander people didn’t follow up.

    I don’t care if you are running for dog catcher, why would a politician, especially a home-state politician not want to meet with Glenn Reynolds. “Professor Reynolds, so happy to see you, is your law school getting enough in ‘resources’ as of late. Tell me, fine sir, what is on the mind of you and your (numerous) blog readers?”

    Why on this green Earth would a home-state Senator not want to have regular meetings with a man “who purchases electrons by the Coulomb”?

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