General Kaus

He takes the lead in fighting this stupid bill on “comprehensive immigration reform”:

It’s time for the ants to swing into action. The Gang of 8 bill can still be stopped. But there are not many days left to scare away the fence-sitting senatorial swing votes. Again, it’s not that they don’t know what the issues are. It’s not that they don’t have a pretty good understanding of what the polls say about public opinion (voters are split on the idea of reform, but they overwhelmingly want border enforcement to come first). It’s that they are insufficiently scared that a vote for the Gang’s complicated mess-whatever they think of it – will bring them punishment at the polls.

They need to be scared. Here are two ways to do it.

Go read it all, and get off your butts.

12 thoughts on “General Kaus”

  1. Wait.. with everything that’s going on with the IRS, NSA, FBI, EPA and DHS, you’re actually advocating for border enforcement? Are you insane, or do you just think of borders as keeping people out instead of keeping people in?

      1. voters are split on the idea of reform, but they overwhelmingly want border enforcement to come first

        You’re advocating the guy.. he’s advocating the position of border enforcement. Borders keep people in just as effectively as they keep people out (if not more).

        Do you follow now?

        1. Most open-border types at least flavor their blather with emotional platitudes that might find favor with some on the left side of the bell curve (“they’re just trying to improve their lot in life, where’s your compassion”)

          Your idiocy doesn’t even rise to a level that a 5 year old could get his arms around. “Open our borders up! Millions of people are trying to move to Sonora and are being molested by cops every day!” Put the crack pipe down Trent.

        2. “Borders keep people in just as effectively as they keep people out (if not more). ”

          Only if the Border Guards exercise control of people in that direction. The do not, as far as I know.

  2. I’ve tried a few phone calls to Jeff Flake (unfortunately both of my senators, Flake and McCain, are gang-of-8). I haven’t bothered calling other senators because I figured they’d have no reason to give a damn what an Arizonan thinks, but I might give it a try – no reason not to.

    I also tried calling the RNC and telling them “Not one damn dime!” if this thing passes. I mentioned that I’d donated to them in the past.

    BTW, he’s right about the “leave it and the ants will get it” bit; that’s why the D’s rammed Obamacare through the house so fast. They knew that waiting would only expose more flaws.

    Rand, thank you for this post. The more exposure this issue gets, the better our chances are.

    1. “I haven’t bothered calling other senators because I figured they’d have no reason to give a damn what an Arizonan thinks, but I might give it a try – no reason not to. ”

      If you are willing to send campaign money to candidates of other states or districts, you could tell representatives from other states them that unless they vote your way you will be financing their replacement.

  3. Ok I’ve linked the video “Promises, Promises” to my Facebook as well as a Kaus entry of this morning. Those of you who want to be an “ant who swings into action” should do the same or “like” my entries in FB. I will do the same to any entry you make.

  4. I’d be pleasantly shocked if the “immigration” reform I want to see gets traction with the current congress:

    – Make it viable for persons lacking disqualifications and with lawful purpose to visit as guests, including guest labor. Citizenship with power over our laws needs a higher standard than being a guest.
    – Being caught here in violation of law is a disqualification for the above.

    The first point should dry up the flood of illegals that provides cover for smuggling across the border.
    The second point I see as an incentive for current illegals to go home before they get caught and apply for a legal visa.

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