11 thoughts on ““Malarkey””

    1. Naw. It takes a special skill to create a Detroit. Or what California threatens to become in the next few years.

  1. You can tell a lot about the state of competence of the Democratic Party and its voters by taking a good hard lok at its veep choices over the years. Dick Cheney could’ve stepped into the job of President and carried it through, and so could’ve Paul Ryan; Sarah Palin was a highly-competent and ethical state governor. Can anyone out there see turning on the television and seeing President Biden reassuring the nation that he’ll carry on? President Gore?

    1. I really am against all of this loose talk about impeachment or wishing any manner of misfortune on the President.

      But as to Mr. Biden being a “worse” leader than Mr. Obama, I think you all have this backwards.

      Mr. Biden, for all of his bluster, is actually a good negotiator. Senator McConnell specifically asked for the Vice President as the only person in the Administration one could have a proper discussion during the Fiscal Cliff. A certain Nobel Peace Prize recipient seemingly cannot negotiate anything — Chicago Olympics, China cooperation on Climate Change, anything from Iran, anything from the Republicans, nothing.

      Vice President Biden would not make the best president (he might even run in 2016), but he would be a definite improvement over what we have going right now. Really.

      1. You might want to go back and rewatch his debate with Ryan. Last time I saw that much lack of emotional control in public, it involved a full diaper and a missing binky. The Democrats always accuse otehrs of what they are most guilty of themselves, and tehy made a lot of senility jokes about John McCain in ’08.

        Sidenote: Being the guy who Mitch “Eager to give away the store” McConnell wants to negotiate with is no great encomium.

  2. Thanks DaveP, I was eating breakfast, and a have the distinct taste of bile in the back of my mouth now.

    1. Oops- forgot about President Silky Pony, complete with whackjob Spinal Tap-esque mistress that the press would be expected to continue covering for… for four years.

  3. I thought it was a mispronounced mal aqui meaning, “Let’s get the frack outa here.” Which millions of Mexicans say in Mexico.

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