Obama’s Five-Year Plan

…for the climate:

Speaking at Georgetown University on Tuesday, President Barack Obama outlined his “new national climate action plan,” which amounts to a federal top-down five-year plan—although he has only four years to implement it. Obama’s plan ambitiously seeks to control nearly every aspect of how Americans produce and consume energy. The goal is to cut the emissions of greenhouse gases and thus stop boosting the temperature of the earth. The actual result will be to infect the economy with the same sort of sclerosis seen in other centrally planned nations.

This is doubly hubristic: that he thinks he knows what’s happening with the climate, and that he thinks he know what best to do about and that it will work.

5 thoughts on “Obama’s Five-Year Plan”

  1. We need that full bullworth moment where Obama screams he doesn’t care about the economy of the suffering caused by his economic and environmentals policies. That people must necessarily suffer if we are to achieve his goals.

    1. We already have the Zero on the record saying he want higher taxes on the rich, in the name of “fairness”, even if revenues suffer. But his supporters don’t mind the rich suffering (as long as it isn’t them.)

  2. In my view this is mostly a get rich scheme for people in government circles and a select few in the private sector. Once you know the scale of the inputs and outputs to the atmosphere all these carbon tax ideas start sounding a bit ridiculous.

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