6 thoughts on “A Local Superhero”

  1. When I read about this incident yesterday, the article mentioned that the homeowner worked around cattle and was no stranger to the proper use of ropes. While I personally would’ve waited until the cops showed up, I guess he’s more certain of his rope typing skills and with good reason, considering the guy was still tied up with the cops arrived.

  2. Funny comments like people claiming that we don’t need guns for self defense and instead should rely on our wrestling skills and rope?

    1. Those types of people are commonly called ‘idgets’ by folks with whom I hang around.

  3. I can’t figure out if he used Bat ropes or spider webs he shot out of his wrists.

    And what kind of idiot burglar strikes as people are getting ready to go to work in the morning? No, the early bird catching the worm doesn’t apply to burglars. Go to jail.

    1. Seriously, this homeowner just got added to my “People Not to Mess With” list. The guy’s a serious badass when provoked.

  4. Fine, a bad guy got hogtied. The real question is: How does this event promote the interests of women, people of color, and the LGBT2IQLS/MFTOMGWTFBBQ community? All I see is a lot of white skin, and thus white skin privilege! I mean, it’s not as if this white man tied up this robber by himself! If not for centuries of hog-tying knowledge stolen by European colonialists from gays, lesbians, bisexuals, the transgendered, two-spirited, interesexed, and questioning women and/or persons of color, this priviliged white “hero” could never have done it!




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