4 thoughts on “Peak-Oil Blogging”

  1. We may get lucky. I’ve noticed that the ardent Peak Oilers also seem to be ardent Global Warmers, even though the positions are obviously and blatantly inconsistent; most likely because their remedy is the same in both cases, burn less oil, build more windmills and give more power and money to governments.

  2. Hey, come on! This Peak Oil stuff is serious business. We use oil to run our machines and light our homes. Demand increases every day. There are only so many whales in the world and limited prospects for increasing their number. Once the whales are gone, we are truly boned.

  3. What about Robert Hirsch? Do you also consider him to be a luddite and AGW believer? A lot of people which were concerned about the possibilities of peak oil have nothing to do with AGW.

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