17 thoughts on “The Zimmerman Lynch Mob”

  1. Our tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. Department of Justice employees formenting race riots on our dime. Makes me proud to be an American. Sniff.

    1. Just when I think this administration can’t possibly sink any lower, they go and do it.

      I’ve been blaming the media, because they’ve been lying and distorting the facts of this case from the beginning. I have said that if there are riots, they will literally have blood on their hands.

      Now we find that the United States Department of Justice itself has been fanning the flames of racial hatred. It has to be deliberate, because I simply can’t believe that they are so naive that they can’t see where this is leading.

      So why are the Obama administration and their media mouthpieces trying to whip up racial strife? What do they hope to gain by it? The only conclusion I can reach is that they hope to use an outbreak of violence to justify declaring a state of emergency and assuming even more dictatorial powers.

  2. Demonstrations calling for legal prosecution are “lynch mobs” and “race riots”? What do you call actual lynch mobs and race riots?

    1. The issue isn’t that people protested but that the DOJ helped organize the protests. Not the roll of the DOJ to act like this but does fit the culture of the Obama administration.

      Many in those protests have called for the death of Zimmerman, not the death penalty but for him to be killed by a lynch mob or a lone individual. The man’s life and his family’s will never be safe and we now learn this is due in part to the actions of the Obama administration.

      The Obama administration is persecuting a man because of the color of his skin, pretty dispicable. No dog whistles here, this is real overt racism from Martin’s use of slurs, the beliefs of the protesters, and the actions of the administration. Just the latest ideal championed by Obama that he has acted in contradiction to. Must be hard on you.

    2. “Demonstrations calling for legal prosecution are “lynch mobs” and “race riots”? ”

      Once again you miss the point. I don’t know if it’s the typical distraction tactics or the immense denseness or the colossal amounts of kool-aid drunk, or some combination of all three.

      The point is that the government should NOT be involved in promoting and/or financing demonstrations.

      Can you not see the political danger there? Have you read ANY history?

      1. I suspect it is mostly an issue of trolololololol but it gives us all the opportunity to speak with a brick wall.

  3. “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17 year old African American male.”

    B Lewis, call your office, because you know they ain’t spending that money in Chicago.

  4. Jim, are you for real?

    Is it the Department of Justice’s role to pressure for prosecution of citizens by creating fake grassroots demonstrations?

    Talk about Two Minutes Hate…

    1. Well, without massive race riots government prosecutors aren’t empowered to file criminal charges, so of course they have to stir up lynch mobs. Hasn’t our legal system always been that way? [/sarc]

      Strangely, they had to depend on Zimmerman and his family to show up for their court dates because they’d gone into hiding, necessary to avoid getting lynched or assassinated by the Obama Administration-sponsored and inspired thugs and mobs.

      We could swap our Department of Justice with Zimbabwe’s and not notice a difference.

      1. Here’s a thought: suppose Zimmerman is acquitted and the government tried to bring him up on federal civil rights charges. Zimmerman’s lawyers might be able to get the case thrown out because of what tha Justice Department did. That would be poetic justice.

    1. That worked.

      I had a longer comment prepared, and I keep getting an error message saying that I need to have JavaScript enabled. I’ve never seen that one before.

        1. Happens to me as well. Hitting the back button doesn’t fix the problem but reloading the page does. Have to copy/paste or rewrite the comment because it will be disappeared like an IRS whistleblower.

  5. FWIW: the story broke nationwide –three weeks after the actual events– on the same day Catholic groups were staging protests all over the country against the predations of Obamacare, burying their story. Did DOJ organize that, too, or was it just the usual MSM dancing to the piper’s tune?

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