7 thoughts on “Saving ObamaCare”

  1. The way they coordinate, race baiting or other, is interesting. I just can’t help seeing it as having one author identified in the bible as the ruler of the world (not referring to god.) Those puppet strings seem highly visible to me.

    With your right to self-defense stripped away, it won’t do you much good that the state’s police are nowhere in sight when you find yourself besieged.

    More and more, it’s the police you need protection from! Also a highly visible puppet string to me.

  2. There’s no doubt in mind mind that Democrats are better at playing this game than Republicans.

    It strikes me as interesting that they’re lynching an Hispanic man at the same time that they’re pushing immigration reform. They don’t expect (and shouldn’t need to expect) a reaction against Latinos.

    1. But what about a reaction from Latinos? Where are La Raza and other race related groups? The lack of reaction certainly does make it look like a game…

    2. I’m cynical enough to think they’d happily inflame blacks against Latinos in order to make moderates sad about all the terrible things being done to Latinos. But don’t point out that it’s the blacks doing the terrible things, because that would be raaaaacist.

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