4 thoughts on “Some Kitchen Advice”

  1. I have a vacuum sealer and a cheap rice cooker, so all I needed for sous vide was the thermostat (available on Amazon). I use it more than the crock pot or the pressure cooker, but part of that might be because it’s still a new toy.

  2. I have seen them on many cooking shows and was always skeptical. However we went to dinner a few weeks ago at a small place with a “chiefs table” that overlooked the kitchen. I had ordered a steak and it had already been prepared in the sous vide. It was already cooked rare in the pouch and was actually the last part of our meal that was prepared. It went from the pouch to the very hot grill for just a couple of minutes. I have to admit other than the “eeww factor” of seeing the steak retrieved from a water bath, I must admit it was deliciously tender. It was more like prime rib with a perfect crust. Minus all the fat, not that I have a problem with fat, it just seems like too much in prime rib.

  3. One issue I have about this is–if you’re cooking stuff for up to 3 days at a time, you would need to have multiple units, wouldn’t you?

    Perhaps <24 hours is typical.

  4. Some stuff cooks faster than others. There’s no point in cooking fish (for example) for long hours. The multi-day stuff is typically large cuts of beef or pork–chicken or fish can be done in a few hours (less if the piece is thin).

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