The Slingatron

Frank J. has (literally) a killer app for it:

Will it work? I dunno. But, I’d like to see it throw something off the planet. Or someone.

Let’s start with Barack Obama. Next, Joe Biden. Then, Obama’s cabinet. Follow that up with the Democrats in Congress, and then the people that voted for them.

I’m thinking once we do that, we’ll have worked out all the bugs, and the Republicans will get the idea that we don’t mind tossing folks off the planet. Maybe they’ll straighten up and act right.

I wouldn’t bet on it. We’d probably have to demonstrate it on a few of them, too.

11 thoughts on “The Slingatron”

  1. Slinging politicians off the planet sounds like a superb and useful idea! I can think of several members of each party I’d love to see take that particular one way voyage.

    As for the slingatron, the article seems to overlook the fact that launch velocity alone won’t get you into earth orbit.

    1. You could raise a lot of revenue by broadcasting the events on pay-per-view. I’d certainly pay to watch politicians getting flung into space. You know, it wouldn’t even have to send them completely free of gravity. Simply launch them high enough so they’d burn up on reentry. Do it on the 4th of July and make for a new fireworks tradition! Add bureaucrats to the mix and you’d have a hell of a show.

  2. “We’d probably have to demonstrate it on a few [Republicans], too.”

    Can we start with McShame? 🙁

  3. Ahh, one-party rule achieved by force. Now where have we seen that strategy before 🙂

  4. Add a fairly large number of bank CEOs and board members to the list. It would save on the upcoming bill for large amounts of hemp rope and reinforcement for lamp posts.

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