Anti-Gun Demagoguery

Now these lying ghouls are comparing George Zimmerman to mass shooters.

[Update a while later]

How to incite a moral panic:

“The most powerful time to communicate is when concern and emotions are running at their peak,” it advises. Antigun advocates are urged to seize opportunistically on horrific crimes: “The debate over gun violence in America is periodically punctuated by high-profile gun violence incidents including Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tucson, the Trayvon Martin killing, Aurora, and Oak Creek. When an incident such as these attracts sustained media attention, it creates a unique climate for our communications efforts.”

The booklet explicitly urges foes of the Second Amendment to abjure rationality in favor of the argumentum ad passiones, or appeal to emotion.

Fortunately, the justice system ultimately worked, and the insane and irrelevant war on “stand your ground” laws has failed.

One thought on “Anti-Gun Demagoguery”

  1. Yesterday I was at the dentist and looked at the 7/29 issue of Time magazine. The title on the cover was “After Trayvon”. There were several articles about black anger at the verdict, handwringing about the declining state of race relations, the higher incarceration rate of blacks, the need to do something about “gun violence”, and the inevitability that whites will be a minority after 2045, so we are just going to have to suck it up and get used to it.

    I did not see one single word suggesting that it might have been legitimate self-defense. Not one.

    I do not want to share a country with these leftist freaks any more. They are evil.

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