5 thoughts on “The Early Chill In The Arctic Summer”

  1. But wait, it’s cold, so it’s just weather, not like if it was an early thaw or something, so nothing to see here! And besides, it’s extreme, which is what all the models predict will happen, not just make things warmer, except when they do, and…
    Sorry, I just can’t keep on spouting that nonsense anymore, even sarcastically. I feel dumber for having written that.

  2. There are some trees and bushes at work in Colo Spgs that are turning color already, over a month early. A sister up in the high country said that she’s seen foliage turning early there as well.

  3. July was pretty hot in southeastern PA, but it’s in the mid-70s here in August, which is just fine with me.

    So bring on the ice age. I like wearing wool sweaters more than sweating anyways.

  4. It’s only 84 in Dallas today; normal temps are ~102 this time of year. I haven’t checked, but it feels like summer came late this year, and we’ve had unseasonable rain the last week.

  5. Look at the third and fourth charts on the site you reference. The lowest years on record are 2012, 2007 and 2011. 2013 ice is not as low as these, but it is still below the 1979-2000 average.

    Of what models in particular do you speak?

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