7 thoughts on “Camille”

  1. Paglia is tremendous. I doubt we could possibly be any more different, but so many of her observations of culture and especially politics seem absolutely spot on, I have come to have a lot of respect for her. It would be a lot of fun to have a cold drink and a long chat with her.

    I wonder if she’s a last remaining shadow of classical liberalism.

  2. Rand, I have to say that lately, the main page has been loading intolerably slowly. I think the culprits are all of those “like”, tweet”, and “share” buttons that litter every post.

    Can you make it so that they don’t appear on the main page, but only when I click on a particular post? I think that would make a big difference.

    1. Yeah, I noticed the same thing. The wait in and of itself isn’t too bad, but the real problem is that the browser won’t follow links until all the social crap loads.

      1. I just bit the bullet and installed NoScript (which has come with a learning curve in terms of finding some of my regularly-visited sites that break when scripting is disabled, such as my bank’s website), and the page loads in a mere heartbeat now. In fact, between NoScript and AdBlock, many, many pages load much more quickly now that I’ve installed it (go figure… websites bloated with poorly-written scripts and ads?).

        Based on what still loads and what doesn’t load, it seems that it’s the Google-specific sharing add-ons that are the main culprit, as the “all-in-one” sharing bar still loads with scripting turned off, and doesn’t seem to slow down the website at all.

    1. Indeed. I don’t mean this in snark, I mean in this in all earnestness, what does Ms. Paglia bring to the table, anyway?

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