2 thoughts on “Health-Code Violations”

  1. If your neighbors don’t like you, they can make your life somewhat unpleasant.

    However, unless the city is engaging in selective enforcement, or
    denying him his permits, he’s required to get a septic system.

    He doesn’t have a case unless he can show the requirement for
    a septic system is irrational, is unequally enforced or they
    are refusing to give him permits to put in the mandated system.

    It’s also a matter of scale, one person living out in the sticks
    y themselves isn’t much of a issue, but if they move in 20 of their nutball
    friends, then they are contaminating the water shed.

    The locals use ordinances like this to move Gypsies and Rainbow cult people

    Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886) would be the case for
    racial discrimination and unfair permitting.

  2. It’s a good thing that the NYT was all over this. We can’t possibbly fathom the harm that this white supremacist could have done if left to his devices in a town of 24 people in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota. Possible groundwater contamination is only the tip of the iceberg.

    But I imagine it would be unimaginable.

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