10 thoughts on “The IRS Malfeasance”

  1. Maybe Mr. Obama was reelected in spite of the IRS suppression of the TEA Party.

    People are deeply skeptical of the Affordable Care Act but by and large like Medicare for their old age thank-you-very-much. People question Mr. Obama’s experience level and ability to handle the leadership challenges of the Presidency, but people balk at the Libertarian/TEA Party Agenda.

    It is kind of like the story of Mr. Romney in Ohio, talking about being anti-auto industry bailout. People in Ohio were looking for a reason not to vote for Mr. Obama, but being scolded that the manufacturing jobs they have would not be there if Mr. Romney had his way, that is the history of the 2012 election.

    The election was for the Conservative/Libertarian/TEA party to lose, and lose it we did by scaring people. But we need to scare people, the debt/government spending/entitlement culture is unsustainable. OK, the election for the Conservative/Libertarian/TEA party to lose, and lose it we did by scaring people.

    1. “and lose it we did by scaring people.”

      Who was doing the scaring?

      GM would have been fine if it went through a normal bankruptcy. But that got all twisted around by people trying to scare voters about Detroit going bankrupt or everyone losing their jobs associated with GM right down to people flipping burgers. Then there were the scares about banning tampons and other nonsense.

      Romney wasn’t out there scaring people but Obama was out there scaring people with claims Romney wanted women to lose the right to vote and black people to be slaves again.

      Romney nor anyone else can stop Democrats from playing this game. The best they can do is present an alternative to the racist stereotype presented by the Democrats. You can’t fault Romney and the Republicans for the racist archetypes being pushed by the Democrats and their media.

  2. A House Oversight and Government Reform Committee memo suggests that IRS scrutiny of the tea party movement – egged on by liberal media – helped Obama win reelection in 2012.

    Well, if the House GOP says so, it must be true.

    the liberal Beltway media, which sent what former Reagan speechwriter and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan has called “dogwhistle” messages to IRS brass to scrutinize the validity of the tea party movement

    A new twist on an old complaint. This time the liberal media didn’t brainwash the voters directly, it just brainwashed IRS agents. The plan must have gone something like:

    1) Media says mean things about tea party
    2) IRS agents read mean things, drag out tea party 501c4 applications
    3) ???
    4) Obama wins!

    That leaves the option that the program was exactly what the IRS has described: A badly thought-out attempt to gauge the seriousness of the tea party groups before approving their applications to become tax exempt.

    Nah, that’s too farfetched to possibly be true.

    to suggest that Beltway coverage and political spin – including the New York Times editorial page coming out in support of the IRS tea party scrutiny – changed the election is “laughable,” says Mayer.

    But didn’t the NYT editorial page elect Kerry and Gore and Dukakis?

    but I don’t find it credible that if the IRS had approved all these applications with relatively minimal questioning, that that would allow the tea party to become this incredible political force and change a presidential election

    What a cynic. Surely tea party groups could have rounded up another 5 million votes if only they didn’t have that paperwork to do. Ten million if there weren’t such long lines at the post office.

    1. Actually, Romney didn’t need 5 million votes. He needed far fewer in places like Florida. In any number of states, it was fairly close and it is in those places where flagrant abuse of power to persecute fellow Americans could have had the most impact.

      It is too bad that you and other Democrats don’t want to let people with different political philosophies as you enjoy the same rights and privileges that Democrats get. Talk about equality.

      1. Romney didn’t need 5 million votes. He needed far fewer in places like Florida

        The tea party groups affected weren’t just in swing states, they were all over. They may have been disproportionately in states that Romney won, where they wouldn’t have made a difference. And you really wouldn’t want Romney to win the electoral college while losing the popular vote by 4 million.

        It is too bad that you and other Democrats don’t want to let people with different political philosophies as you enjoy the same rights and privileges that Democrats get.

        It is too bad that you feel you have to argue with a straw man.

        1. “It is too bad that you feel you have to argue with a straw man.”

          On more than one occasion you have said the TP groups should not have had any special tax status, defending the actions of the IRS as “doing their job.” TP and other conservative groups were just trying to exercise the same rights and privileges that Democrats enjoy.

          On some occasions you contradict yourself and say the IRS targeting of TP groups was wrong and that groups like OFA probably shouldn’t enjoy a special status. But that is just grandstanding unless you or more importantly Democrats at large take actions to hold people accountable, no matter where the trail leads, and take steps to see the behavior doesn’t continue.

          Words are important and so are actions. We need to see actions from the Democrats that show a good faith effort to get to the bottom of the scandal and hold people accountable not just grandstanding. And if groups like the TP or OFA don’t deserve any special status, then why are Democrats not holding their own groups to the same standards they hold others?

          When Democrats are preventing their political adversaries from enjoying the same rights and privileges Democrats use, it looks like their actions and not just words are preventing all of us from from playing on a field with equal rules.

  3. Also, the IRS hit list the Dems don’t want you to see.

    Oooh, sounds juicy. But follow the link and you don’t get a secret hit list, just talking heads. It’s a perfect metaphor for the whole IRS story: hype over substance.

  4. While watching the video in the second link, the question of whether or not the FBI is investigating was raised. Screw the FBI. They work for Obama. Conflict of interest for the Feds to investigate the Feds. States Attorneys General should be launching investigations.

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