7 thoughts on “True The Vote”

    1. Sounds like an admission of guilt on the IRS’s part. And the IRS could only “moot the issue” by giving them tax exempt status in a timely manner. Can’t do that without a time machine.

    2. Why moot if you’re innocent? After all, it’s not like they’re paying for their own lawyers out of their own pockets…
      Full-bore admission of guilt.

    1. well, I admit I only skimmed the IRS motion to dismiss, but, it seems inline with a number of
      cases i’ve followed. Federal Agency does X or Refuses to do Y, Entity A sues saying “X or Y is a violation of the APA, or 4 USC 1983 or Enabling statute”, case boils for 2 years, survives a preliminary hearing,
      Trial order is being talked about and suddenly the Agency does, what it had been dithering about
      for 2-5 years. We see this all the time in FCC rulings. You want a FCC commission ruling/opinion/license,,, and the commission dithers, while staff analyze, then you sue, and bing!, instant ruling.

      Now, maybe TtV may survive their 1983 motion, but, non-profit status doesn’t seem like a Fundamental right.

      Now, i guess we will see in a couple of weeks if the court dismisses this, but you don’t seem to be very good at judging civil procedure or judicial temperment.

  1. How is the issue moot when:
    1) The IRS hasn’t actually granted 501c3 status. They only state they should.
    2) The IRS didn’t grant 501c3 status for 3 years, when they now state they should.
    3) There should be penalties paid for the IRS failing to do the job they claim they should have been done.

    If I beat the shit out of douchenozzle for 3 years; I don’t get the case dropped as moot because I promised not to beat him again. But then again, douchenozzle never has been good at making logical arguments.

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