The Bleeding Heart

When it becomes the iron fist:

Whatever the perceived shortcomings of Ted Cruz and his hardy band of stalwarts, they’ve performed a remarkable public service by highlighting the fate that awaits all who rub wrongly the translucently thin skin of King Barack the Petulant. The Spartans may have had their shields, Native Americans their tomahawks and arrows, the Samurai may have wielded his sword with all the deadly grace of a tiger in mid-attack, but pound for pound, nothing comes close to the audacious stupidity of “Barrycades” and people in pointy little Smokey the Bear hats, poised to protect America’s monuments from law-abiding citizens.

Welcome to liberal utopia, where barriers are not erected against terrorists or illegal aliens on our nation’s borders, but rather against citizens, and where wheelchair-bound veterans enroute to honor their comrades face tighter security than terrorists enroute to murder a US Ambassador. This is where up is down, wrong is right, illegality is celebrated as progress, and where Constitutionalism is derided as racist. No longer relegated to the fever swamps of academic fancy, utopia has acquired real estate and made known its demands.

“Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual…” the First Lady warned us, and she wasn’t just whistling Alinsky either.

…The federal government has shut down some 17 times previously, and at no time were these memorials closed. Is our Sovereign so besotted with power, has his impudent leftism so robbed him of reason that he fails to understand what is so obvious: That in barricading Americans from memorials and icons that stand as testimony to an exceptional culture founded precisely on liberty from oppressive government, he perfectly validates the arguments of the right?

But remember, they’re compassionate, and we’re heartless.

6 thoughts on “The Bleeding Heart”

  1. I would never go that far to say that.

    The problem is the Mr. Obama is into that Alinsky thang, and he doesn’t know any other political tactics to get is program across. He only knows how to play one note on the piano, so he just presses that one piano key and comes across as tone deaf.

    1. And to think, there’s the saying that “one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.”

    2. Look, if you are going to admit he is either tone deaf or unwilling to try a different approach, then really you ARE saying that, Wodun is simply more pithy.

      Just about every culture has some variant of what I was taught was the Golden Rule (treat others the way you want to be treated). Based on the extremes we are seeing with the current government shutdown, Obama does not appear to have a lot of love in his heart.

  2. You’re missing a crucial point here: Obama is doing these things because he thinks he can convince the general voting public that it’s the Republicans that are doing these things; that every one of the objectionable consequences of the shutdown was the direct and predictable effect of the conservatives “holding the government hostage.”

    And he is very much succeeding at that.

    Make no mistake: This is a calculated strategy, and with the majority of Americans, Obama is winning this one.

  3. Actually–except in the rare case of some Kropotkinite voluntary socialists (if there are any still around)–the Bleeding Heart was always accompanied by the Iron Fist. You can’t coercively redistribute wealth without . . . well, without coercion. As I often say about modern “liberals” (and by “liberals” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-shtuppers”): They start out with incense and love beads. and wind up with bayonets and bludgeons.

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