3 thoughts on “Flogging”

  1. Given the choice between years in prison and the lash, I’d take the licks. The pain would end far sooner than the sentence.

    As for wardens tolerating prison rape, there is a culture of “snitches get stiches” (or worse) in prison. Reporting that you were raped would open you up to much more violent attacks and not just from your rapist. Prisoners outnumber the guards in most prisons and unless everyone is in solitary confinement and lockdown all of the time, any individual is vulnerable to assault. There isn’t much anyone can do about it. It isn’t a laughing matter, it’s a brutal reality.

  2. As someone who values (friends would say “over-values”) privacy, to me the worst thing about prison–other than the possibility of being buggered–is the seeming total lack of privacy. I have trouble using restaurant rest-tooms, and I think if I had to go to the bathroom in view of everyone, especially my cellmate, I’d be backed up so badly my system would shut down and I’d die. For that reason I have always wondered how prison rape is possible, unless the guards allow it. I mean, if you don’t have the privacy to take a private dump, how can you find the privacy to bugger someone? I’ve always been curious about this.

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