7 thoughts on “The Racists At 60 Minutes”

  1. “Year long investigative reporting” and not one piece of information that I hadn’t read about online months ago except for the first person stuff by the Brit! (who has a book out, so must be taken with a grain of salt) But, that said, the important thing is that the information has broken the dike. As long as “Faux News” were the only ones reporting on it, the demonization machine kept many people from hearing it.

  2. Not only did we know all this months ago but CBS could have broadcast that before the 2012 election. But they did not.

    “…and the lingering question: why no larger military response…”

    Geez Lara we were asking that question a month after the attack.

    “former Gitmo detainee was one of the lead planners…”


    No doubt we’ll soon be hearing from Grand Admiral of the Fleet Gerrib on how no help could have arrived (it most certainly could have and besides one should always try):

    “….when we put ourselves out on the edge to represent America we expect they will get us out of trouble; that they have our backs…” [paraphrased]

    No doubt we’ll soon be hearing from Baghdad Jim on how nothing has been proven and this is a tempest in a teapot and a fizzled scandal……

    Keep thinking that….

  3. Meh. This is battlespace preparation. Get it out now. Then in ’16, it’ll be old news, and really, at that point, “what difference does it make?”

    Good MSM. Would you like a Milk Bone?

  4. Hillary: “At this point, what does it matter?”

    She should hear that chanted every time she steps outside for the rest of her life.

    1. Hillary: “At this point, what does it matter?”

      C’mon people. The correct phrase is, “What difference does it make!”

      Practice that in front of the mirror as in the “Taxi Driver” character Travis Bickel, “You talking to me? You talking to me!”

      Repeat after me. “What difference does it make?” “What difference does it make!” Do this until you get the exact tone of rhetorical question combined with righteous indignation along with outright anger at being questioned.

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