Obama Lied

…healthcare died. A history.

Old story line: “Obama didn’t lie!”

New story line: “Obama had to lie to us for our own good!”

[Update a few minutes later]

71% believed that Obama knew rates would skyrocket for many insurance plans. Of course he did. That was much of the idea.

Plus this: When fraud is legal. “Under socialism, there is no such thing as consumer protection.”

The government does many things that would get others thrown in jail.

6 thoughts on “Obama Lied”

  1. Taking care of friends (carve-outs) and punishing enemies… is that rule of law or tyranny?

    When do we actually fight this?

    1. I had a thought about how to fight. What if every member of the GOP just voted present until the mid-term? Yes, the media would blast them but there response should be a solid wall of, “We’ve been trying to fix Obama’s mess since the beginning but we’ve been shut out. As Justice Roberts said, it’s in the hands of the voters now.”

      1. We fix it by voting. It works, really. See Wisconsin, and the Democrats fleeing the state. See New York, pulled back from the Pit (once a Republican was in charge). See what Reagan was able to do after Carter. See what W was able to do after Pornstar.

        Remember it’s Majority Rule, and stop whining about “RINOS”. We don’t need purity, we need votes. If so of them are squishy, well, we might try bribing them to save the country, yes? A spoonful of “Sugar” helps the medicine go down, as we saw with the steel tariffs. W was able to expand Free Trade enormously thanks to that trivial compromise, and hugely expand the Economy. Alas, far too many “Real Republicans” just focus on the “sellout”, and ignore the victory…..

    1. Because the Totalitarian Democrats purge them from the Party, and those purged, like battered wives, still vote for the Democrats. See Sen. Joe Lieberman……….

      1. So purging leads to winning? Hmmm… makes one think the tea party primaries of incumbents is on to something? Ann Coulter and Karl Rove may disagree but principles may still trump political machinations?

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