My Book Interview

It’s available on Youtube now.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Here’s one of the brilliant comments over there:

he just sounds like a typical neo con who would prefer to send cheap chinese labor into space rather than waste money on returning white men to their families.
same type who wants more young americans to die for israel.

This is a sign of a broken brain.

BTW, fun fact. That picture of the book? It’s virtual, created by PJTV. It doesn’t yet exist in physical form, but it should next week, and it should look exactly like that.

5 thoughts on “My Book Interview”

  1. I know something about broken brains. They can’t be broken if they never worked in the first place.

  2. This is a sign of a broken brain.

    I see a lot of that on YouTube. Did you get any “U r a faggit” comments?

  3. I prefer the inevitable comments from people who have gotten their entire knowledge of space from sci-fi, specifically Star Trek.

    Space is pointless until we get warp drive!

    Oops! Someone accidentally sat you in the wrong place.. the children’s table is over there.

  4. Meanwhile

    Their proposed letters ask for not cutting planetary exploration further ( which i would agree with ) but dont propose any alternatives of where the money should come from.
    Why not be explicit and actually name the target ? There arent so many fat budget slices to cut from anyway .. i can think of only two “worthy” slivers. Planetary society, being very academia driven org may object to the first one, i.e. JWST, but why would they object to cutting SLS is beyond me.

  5. Thanks, enjoyed the video. Of course space is immensely important and immensely worth the sacrifice of lives (which I believe Gus Grissom said once, tho perhaps without specifying exactly why). But it must be those sacrifices which make the vehicles and infrastructure much safer in the long run.

    Oxford, UK

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