5 thoughts on “The House That Jack Built”

  1. I look forward to the deconstructing of Mary had a little lamb and Jack and Jill went up the hill, I trust everyone knows what “Jack fell down and broke his crown” really means?

  2. Eeeeew. Thanks /sarc Andrew. Now I find out that after execution by guillotine they hold up the severed head, not to show the crowd, but to show the body to the head. It seems the head holds enough oxygen that it remains conscious for about 8 seconds after being severed.

    1. Interesting, the version I heard relates to the interpretation suggesting that “Jack and Jill” was a phrase that indicated a romantically attached couple, as in the proverb “A good Jack makes a good Jill”.[wiki]
      “Falling down and breaking crown” meaning a roll in the grass with Jill, after all, no one goes up a hill to fetch water.

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