High-Speed Rail

Here’s hoping that this is the death blow:

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama’s signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law.”

Abusing their discretion to not comply with the law is what Democrats do. Fortunately, they haven’t completely packed the judiciary. Yet.

2 thoughts on “High-Speed Rail”

  1. California is still free to spend the $3 billion that Obama gave them on the project, but after that, the CHSRA will be broke.

    I sense that we’ll still see another $3 billion worth of California high speed rail. My take is that no matter the obstacles, this project will go on as long as there is federal money to burn.

  2. Does not comply with the requirements of the law? Seriously? Since when did this pesky issue ever stop Democrats from spending other people’s money?

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