7 thoughts on “4K Televisions”

  1. I didn’t click the link, but my own assessment is they cost too much, and there is not enough content. However, as more people with money to spend decided they want one now, the demand will increase and price will come down. Maybe in a year or two, the price will be affordable and content will come out.

    In the interim, I’m holding off buying a standard HD TV of any significant size. I might update a small TV in one room, but otherwise, I’ll hold off on TV purchases.

  2. I watch TV monitor prices like I watch gas prices. I saw a 50″ for $500 so will not settle for any deal less than that. I also saw an advertisement for a 32″ for $99. I’ve only got six vertical lines on my current 22″ monitor so it’s still early yet.

  3. Imagine how good Obama will look on a 72″ 4K television! I’ll bet you could even tell when he’s lying.

    1. 4K HDTV? Sheesh, I can see Obama’s lying when he’s on the radio. I think that just two cups and a string is all that’s needed.

  4. Heck, I still haven’t upgraded to Blu-Ray yet. I have the computer hardware to handle it, but didn’t want to buy an external player.

    The internal drive prices aren’t too bad, but from what I’ve read, one needs to buy commercial software at a healthy price for 100% compatibility. The closest (I’ve read) so far seems to be Media Player Classic – Home Cinema, which apparently plays movies but not special features.

    I am so SICK of the MPAA and their paranoid stupidity. I would cheerfully pay for first-run TV episodes and/or movies if I could keep a copy.

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