
A new essay from Bill Whittle:

Anduril reminds me that there is no Greatest Generation. There is no sword broken; there is no Golden Age lost and locked in the past. There are only shards lying before us, waiting for us to gather the will to reforge and wield them. It’s a decision, not a doom or a destiny, and we have to make it every day.

I don’t know if we can stop the destruction of everything we love in this world. I don’t know that we can destroy this all-seeing eye that seems to watch us all now, day and night, in this once-free land. I don’t know if all of my efforts will amount to anything at all, in the end, and I don’t know if yours will either.

I only know that every day I will make a decision to do everything I can to make sure my land, my realm, my America does not fall into darkness today.

Read all.

2 thoughts on “Shards”

  1. It is sad that so many people here have plenty to say about Obama and other things politicle but no comments about making a daily effort to protect our freedoms.

    A real sign of the times I fear.

  2. It is sad that so many people here have plenty to say about Obama and other things politicle but no comments about making a daily effort to protect our freedoms.

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